377/472 Flaps Needed Images
These are the 377 flaps - Click image to view larger image. Click Needs List to see other lodge needs.
377 Sipp-O S10a - RED BDR; ORDEAL; spelled SIPPO (no dash)
These are issues I have but will trade for to help some lodge brothers:
377 Sipp-O S35var - BLK deer; BLK antlers; 3 hidden trees; ORG sky right of number
377 Sipp-O S1a S1b - Cut Edge; BLU BMT; spelled SIPP-O
377 Sipp-O S2a - Cut Edge; DBR antlers; spelled SIPPO; Coarse BKGD
377 Sipp-O S2b - Cut Edge; BRN antlers; spelled SIPPO; Fine BKGD
377 Sipp-O S2c - Cut Edge; DBR antlers; spelled SIPPO; Fine BKGD
377 Sipp-O S17 - SMY BDR
377 Sipp-O S25 - GMY BDR; 30th ANN; VIGIL
377 Sipp-O S49 - BLU BDR; 55 ANN; LBL deer