Needs List

Here you will find our current needs list of OA flaps and patches.  We are collecting all OA issues for the merged lodges in Ohio as well as working on a numbers collection.  We are looking to buy or trade - and are OK with either.  I also have a few CSP Needs you can click HERE to see them.  I pick up our council camp patches when I run across them what we have collected is shown under the camp collection tab.  An overview of pieces we look for:  1920 to 1950s McKinley or Massillon Area patches, Camp Tuscazoar, Camp Buckeye, Buckeye Council Camps, Camp McKinley (Columbiana Council).  Zach is working on a dupe set of Scaroyadii 472 and needs an S10 - so feel free to ask.  If you have some Scaroyadii sitting in the dupes box, drop us a line.

I also keep needs lists for a few other Ohio OA collectors, so if you have some older Ohio stuff, shoot us an email and perhaps we can find a homme for those dupes.

 If you can help us fill a hole, please email at

Some images provided by ISCA/John Pannell of - the internets most complete online OA image catalog.